Dry skin making kitty itch? Read below for tips on keeping your pets' skin healthy during the winter months.
Cold weather means hot chocolate, extra snuggles with
What is dry skin in dogs and cats?
Dry skin is simply that: skin that lacks the proper balance of moisture and natural oils to remain soft, strong, flexible, and healthy. Dry skin is often accompanied by ‘dandruff’ and a dull coat. PetMD breaks it down this way: “the skin is producing excessive amounts of sebum – a fatty product of the sebaceous glands in the skin – and skin cell turnover increases. The dead skin cells may clump up or remain as patchy layers on the surface of the skin,” which is what prompts the endless scratching.What causes dry skin in dogs and cats?

How can I fix my pet's dry skin?
Brush your fur-child. Not only will this encourage the shedding of any dead, flaky skin, dirt, or slobber picked up during playtime, but it will also stimulate the production of your dog’s natural oils and help distribute it throughout their coat. As an added bonus, regular brushing “promotes better blood circulation which aids in the growing and shedding cycles,” according to the AKC. Incorporating brushing into your regular grooming routine will ensure a healthy coat 365 days a year. If Fido’s skin is especially irritated, try a soothing oatmeal formula pet shampoo. This tried-and-true home remedy should help ease the urge to itch. Never use a human shampoo on a pet--the chemicals in some human shampoos can quickly irritate a pet's skin. Incorporating whole foods into Fluffy’s diet is also a great way to ramp up production of essential oils and healthy coat growth. Eggs, fish, fruits and vegetables are tasty sources of Vitamin E, while fish oil like Nordic Naturals, flaxseed oil, flax meal and walnuts are rich with Omega-3 fatty acids. You can feed as a snack or atop their usual meal.How can I prevent dry skin in my pets?